nourish. slow down. relax. balance. love. wholeness is not perfection.

Friday, September 18, 2015

grain-free coconut flour "quick bread" + a clean chicken salad recipe + GOLDEN coconutter

this bread though...the texture is awesome. coconut flour can be tricky if not used correctly-but this bread is delicious and the perfect consistency! moist, not crumbly, not too dense, loaded with nutrients...the simple recipe is a bonus. to anyone who can't/don't do grains or gluten, i suggest giving this guy a try!

3 organic cage free eggs
1/4 c coconut milk
1/4 c coconut flour
1/4 c raw sunflower meal
1/2 t baking powder
pinch of high quality sea salt
3 T whole raw sunflower seeds
1 scoop kal stevia (optional)

-preheat oven to 350F.

-whisk together eggs and milk in a small bowl. in a separate bowl, whisk the flour, meal, baking powder, optional stevia, whole sunflower seeds & salt until combined. add in egg & milk mixture slowly while whisking. pour into a coconut oil greased mini bread loaf pan and sprinkle with more sunflower seeds/poppy seeds etc...bake for 35-40 minutes until browned on top. 

-cool, slice & enjoy with your favorite toast toppings, or make a yummy chicken salad sandwich with this easy go-to recipe that kids love! 

the taste is identical to the crap you used to buy pre-made at the store. it's wayyyy better for you than that stuff and really honestly takes 2 minutes to whip up if you already have the chicken ready in your fridge. yum!

clean chicken salad:
4 c cooked & shredded organic free range chicken breasts
3 c diced celery
1 c halved grapes
juice from 2 lemons
1 c clean mayo or veganaise
1/4 c chopped raw walnuts
high quality s + p to taste

-mix all ingredients in a large bowl until combined well. 

-we served the kids on organic buttery croissants (a request). as for myself, i enjoyed it on the coconut flour bread!

oh, one last thing. i posted this recipe on my instagram but i better let you know too because my favorite new thing is GOLDEN coconut butter. like golden mylk, but way way better (because you can eat it by the spoonful?)

here's what i do:

i pack my blendtec twister jar with coconut flakes until full, add 1 T (more or less) turmeric powder & blend until smooth, creamy, buttery liquid. then eat by the spoonful or spread and top with tasty raw cacao paste....yum. 

eat real people. don't be extreme. give thanks for your food. chew each bite as many times as you can! belly will thank you. 

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