nourish. slow down. relax. balance. love. wholeness is not perfection.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

my daily smoothie routine as of late

i get asked a lot about my favorite supplements & smoothie add-ins. so for those interested in some great super duper foods, here you go!

i am big on smoothies-especially in the warmer months (which, since I've moved to california is all the time!) so my body has been asking for smoothies like crazy lately. i am not a fan of those high in sugar-even if it is just from fruit. i like to make my own smoothies so i can keep the nutrients high and the sugars low. i don't use every single one of these ingredients every single day, but most of them will be added to my daily smoothie(s) at some point. i will give you small descriptions and benefits of my favorites, but find what speaks to you and do some research!

FIRST and foremost- i add a biiig handful (or two) of fresh, dark leafy greens to the blender (i try to switch it up, usually spinach, kale, beet greens, chard, etc...)

then, i add my liquid, which i also like to switch up. i like to add 1/4 c pure aloe vera juice (brightens the skin, aids in digestion, etc..), i'll also add a homemade nut mylk here & there, maybe some beet kvass, kombucha, green tea, MCT oil, or just plain purified water!

PROTEIN. this is important. i am really digging David Wolfe's longevity superfood protein powders, or Dr. Axe's unflavored collagen protein powder at the moment. i usually switch off between the two regularly. 

for flavor, i enjoy adding 1/2 c or so of frozen (or fresh) wild organic blueberries, or mixed berries. sometimes i'll add 1/2 a banana, or switch it up and add fresh peaches, figs-anything that's in season-but try to keep it to a minimum. i do looove to add 1/4-1/2 ripe avocado-it makes the texture amazing! plus, good fats kids. 

green powders: i discovered that Green Smoothie Girls chocolate greens powder can make even the most disgusting shake taste amazing, and it has some pretty great added nutrients inside. i also like to add her tri-omega powder here & there. i usually add a dropper full of marine phytoplankton (i'll let you do the research on that one-so much goodness!). another favorite greens powder of mine is vitamineral greens from Healthforce Nutritionals, also their macaforce powder is pretty great-for those that know all the magical properties of maca! one of my favorite superfoods. always the option to add organic coffee, matcha or green tea powders for some ENERGY.

SHROOMS! you all know i love 'shrooms. if you don't know why, check out this post. i always always add a mushroom powder or extract to my smoothies. cordyceps (awesome for energy, recovery, and endurance), reishi (immunity & longevity), turkey tail, chaga, there are so many goods! check out David Wolfe's mushroom products here-he carries some good combinations & varieties. oh, and if you really want some good love for your skin, gut, and overall beauty and health, check out Moon Juice Shop products-they make some awesome stuff that i add frequently to my drinks. when i can afford it, that is...ha!

for a happy belly i add some good fibers, sometimes a probiotic or two, i really love Apex Energetics repairvite powder & add it daily. i'll also throw in psyllium, chia or flax for some great fiber love.

FATS. eat. your. fats. i love adding great energizing fats to my smoothies! they always come in different forms and i like to switch it up. my absolute favorite is raw organic coconut BUTTER; it tastes like heaven and is great for you. i'll sometimes throw in some activated almond or tahini butter, raw hemp seeds (a must), or cacao paste (which i usually add a few chunks to the top to crunch on-yum!). 

for toppers, like i said, raw cacao usually, cause...chocolate. i almost always add a tablespoon or so of local bee pollen cause it's great for me and i loooooove the taste. then i'll add about a dropper full of vitamin D3. i like this brand-make sure you slurp it up on the top! sometimes i will add a sprinkle of activated buckwheat or hemp seed to the top also-for good measure. 

whew!  i know that sounds like a lot of info- but just try one new product that speaks to your body and see how you feel! just because i am thriving on these products right now, doesn't mean i will forever and doesn't at all mean everyone else will, but once you have a good variety of super duper magic to make an awesome morning green smoothie of love, it really is easy & fast to throw together! 

a green smoothie a day really just may keep the doctor away-actually, i don't remember the last time i went to the doctor for sick reasons! your body is strong and your food is its fuel-feed yourself well and your body will know what to do!

have a happy, vibrant day!

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