
Thursday, March 14, 2019

tahini collagen fudge bars

for an on-the-go healthy treat!

1/2 c raw organic tahini (pure)
1/4 c organic vanilla collagen peptides
3/4 c raw organic coconut butter
1/4 c raw organic almond butter
1/2 t vanilla bean powder
1-2 drops of stevia (to taste - optional)
flaked sea salt
2 T chopped raw organic cacao paste

-gently melt and mix everything except chocolate and salt in a double broiler.

-pour into a lined square baking dish and sprinkle with cacao chunks & sea salt flakes. set in freezer until very firm. pop out, slice & eat! keep them frozen & thaw a few minutes before eating for the perfect fudge-y texture. 

protein snack: chocolate chip no-bake cookies

these are ultimate brain + skin food!

in a large mixing bowl:
1 c organic almond flour
3 T organic vanilla collagen protein
1/3 c melted evo coconut oil
1/4 c raw organic almond butter
1/4 t vanilla bean powder
1/2 t high quality sea salt
cacao nibs/chopped cacao paste

-mix all but cacao well, then fold in cacao or chocolate of choice. shape into cookies & store in freezer! grab one for quick, high quality nutrients or crumble over yogurt + berries for dessert!

pleasure your pits! (& the rest of your body) with this natural spray detox deodorant

i don’t usually wear any deodorant since i rarely have body odor, but this stuff is amazing and so nice to have on hand..even just to smell good! plus it adds needed magnesium to our bodies that are for the most part, very deficient.

grab a small glass spray bottle and mix it up in just a few minutes!

to your bottle add:
2 t acv (with the mother!)
3 t pure magnesium oil
10 drops of your favorite smelling essential oil/oils (i did rose & wild orange. peppermint is also fantastic for the warmer months!)

fill the rest of the bottle with filtered alkaline water & shake well before each use.

2-3 sprays under each arm after a shower or mid-day for a refresh.

tip for you mamas: add lavender oil to the mix and spray on the bottoms of your kid’s feet at night to calm them down and give them a small dose of magnesium!

cinnamon. toast. crunch.

although it’s been a long while since i’ve eaten this crack-coated breakfast treat, i do believe i made the closest thing to it with REAL FOOD ingredients, and my belly was very happy.

only 6 ingredients, taking me back to my childhood. just a liiiiitle cleaner.

1 c almond flour
1/4 c coconut flour
5 T primal kitchen vanilla coconut collagen
2 T ceylon cinnamon
1/4 t sea salt
2 T melted coconut oil + 1 T melted coconut butter, mixed

-preheat oven to 450°F. line a baking sheet with parchment.
-mix dry ingredients together, then add coconut oil/butter mixture and stir well. use your hands to mix together if needed.
-roll out dough VERY thin between 2 pieces of parchment and cut into squares. transfer to baking sheet and sprinkle with monk fruit or granulated sweetener of choice.
-bake 5-8 minutes until they turn golden. watch them closely!
-cool on the pan fully, and store in an airtight container in fridge or freezer. serve with fresh berries and homemade nut milk for a much more balanced, protein & healthy fat-rich breakfast.


aka sunshine in a jar.

these tasty & tart babies bring bright notes of citrus, vibrant saltiness and muted, complex tartness to your cooking.
the process is long, slow fermentation that breaks down the lemons’s rind, removes its bitterness and gives you a marvelously complex, bright flavor that pairs beautifully with any number of dishes!
once they’re properly fermented, preserved lemons will last six months to a year in the refrigerator.
thin-skinned lemons like Meyer lemons work best since they require less time for the rind to soften and release its bitterness, so they are done and ready to use faster than if you use thick-skinned lemons. since you’ll also be eating the rind, look for organically grown, unwaxed lemons, if possible.

you’ll need:
5 organic lemons
2 tablespoons high quality sea salt

how to:
•trim the tips from the lemons without exposing the flesh. slice the lemon lengthwise into quarters without slicing completely through and keeping the quarters connected at the base. sprinkle the inside of the lemons with a generous pinch of salt, and then pack them tightly into a glass jar and sprinkle each layer of lemons with additional salt.
•press the lemons tightly in the jar so that they release their juices, and so that the lemon juice and salt combines into a brine that completely submerges the lemons. place a weight over the lemons, and seal the jar.  allow the lemons to ferment at least one month before trying them. they should ferment long enough so that the pith loses its bitterness.

you can also add cinnamon sticks, hot chilis, bay leaf and black pepper to your lemons as they ferment.

a truly magic pink drink: beet kvass

it has been too long since i’ve made this stuff and i forgot about the WONDERS it does for me.


i’ve posted the recipe + how to for this magical & beautiful gut healing, energizing drink before but since it’s been a while and it’s that time of year we all desperately need some GUT LOVE, i thought i'd post it again.

let me teach you a little bit about the pink magic...

what is it?

a traditional tonic that is a little sweet and a lotta salty. because it is lacto-fermented, it’s rich in minerals, B Vitamins, antioxidants, and probiotics.
folk medicine values beets and beet kvass for their liver cleansing properties and beet kvass is widely used in cancer therapy in Europe. anecdotal reports indicate that beet kvass is an excellent therapy for chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, allergies and digestive problems. valuable for its medicinal qualities and as a digestive aid.

beets are loaded with nutrients. one glass morning and night is an excellent blood tonic helping your body create healthy blood cells, promotes regularity, aids digestion, alkalizes the blood, cleanses the liver (& in turn, the skin!), and is a good treatment for kidney stones and other ailments. it's also GREAT for women with hormone imbalances.

along with drinking it plain on an empty stomach each morning, you could also add it to soups, salad dressings, smoothies, sauces, etc., and it will give you a beautiful, bright color!

this batch i tried one with a vegetable starter and one with a kefir starter. they each contain different strains of bacteria that can aid with different bodies/guts. experiment!! the kefir is a bit sweeter and veg a bit more salty. both delicious!

bottoms up!

here’s how you do it:
•2-4 large washed organic beets (local is best!) chopped into 1-2" cubes (or enough to nearly fill jar)
•1/2 gallon glass jar with plastic lid
•1 packet of vegetable or kefir starter (depending on the strains of bacteria that work best with your body. my absolute favorite brand for starters is body ecology. best out there! you can also make kvass with no starter but you’ll need an extra tablespoon of salt & let it ferment a few extra days.)
•1 T fine high quality sea salt or himalayan salt (see photos for my absolute favorite brand + info)
•filtered water

-fill your jar up with chopped beets. add starter & salt & cover with filtered water to the top (make sure beets are submerged). put on a plastic lid tightly & shake very well to mix it up. leave out on your counter for 2-6 days to ferment, shaking the jar once or twice daily. after it is done (will smell and taste sour like pickles but not rancid & may have little bubbles-some say once you see foam starting to form on the top of the brine it is time to transfer the beet kvass to the fridge.) store in your fridge & consume daily: 
1/4-1/2 cup morning & night (on an empty stomach is best).

-when you have only about a cup left at the bottom, you can refill with 1 T sea salt & water to the top without having to use more starter. shake it well & let it sit out 2-6 days again, shaking once or twice a day and you have a new batch! you can do this once but the next time you'll want more starter + new beets.

(we made tacos with thinly sliced beets & radishes, avocado, wild baked salmon + homemade beet kvass ranch dressing! look how pretty!)